Identification and publication

This site is published by the company Lunifia , registered in the Trade and Companies Register under SIRET number: 909 565 814 00011

Intellectual property

All the graphic elements, the structure and, more generally, the content of the site Lunifia are protected by copyright, trademark law and design law.

Any person who collects or downloads content or information published on the site only has a right of private, personal and non-transferable use thereof.

The reproduction of a page of the site in a setting outside the Unified or the insertion of a page belonging to Unified in the page of another site is prohibited.

Similarly, any reproduction or representation of the site in part or in whole is prohibited without the written consent of Lunifies and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The texts, graphics, drawings, logos and photos that are distributed Lunifia may be reproduced on paper or electronic media, subject to citing the name and address of the site and not making commercial use of it.

Failure to comply with the above provisions is likely to constitute an infringement engaging the civil or criminal liability of the author of the infringement.

Collection and use of personal data

The collection of personal data for the services offered by the site www. _ as well as their processing are carried out in compliance with the law "Informatique, Files et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 as amended and its implementing decrees.

The collection of personal data concerning users of the Lunifia site has the main purposes of identifying users for the provision of services and services offered on the site.

The data collected is never transmitted to third parties unless the customer has given his prior consent and this provided that the third parties have clearly undertaken to comply with all the provisions of the amended Law of January 6, 1978.

In application of the law, any person having transmitted personal data has a right of access, rectification and deletion of the data as well as a right of opposition to the processing of personal data concerning him.

At any time, you can request to exercise this right by contacting Lunifia.

Visitors to the site are informed that for the purposes of navigation on the site www. lunifia .com , Lunifia may collect certain user information automatically using cookies. If the user of the site does not wish the use of cookies by Lunifia , he can refuse the activation of cookies through the options offered by his internet browser. For technical reasons, if the user deactivates cookies in his browser, certain services offered on the site www. _ may not be accessible to him.

Legal notices created on Saturday, October 9, 2021.

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